Aus dem Englisch-Fernunterricht

Klasse 5b - Eine Bildgeschichte von Maximilian Blumtritt . . . 

Picture 1 - Ladys and Gentlemen this is a dangerous dragon and I will conjure him away.

Picture 2 - Here I have an empty box.

Picture 3 - Attention! Stay a way, here comes the trick.

Picture 4 - Now I put the box over the dragon.

Picture 5 - Can you still hear the dragon?

Picture 6 - Now I say magic formulas.

Picture 7 - I need a stronger formula.

Picture 8 - And now I open the box.

Picture 9 - Look! The dragon disappeared!

Picture 10 - The magic box is empty again.

Picture 11 - We are all save. Thank you for attention.

(Annett Schulze)

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